
Hello guys,

I bet you are all doing great.

Today I have an interesting theme going on- a look for your free weekends. I am mostly dressed like this on Sundays. 

The mixture of the white trouser and the grey- white stripped sweater + the sandals has this “free” aura around it. Rich and I did the shoot in town and it took us like 5 minutes. I must say my confidence has grown from this because earlier I would never take pictures in public places.

I love the way the camera caught my braids in motion…makes me feel Jamaican #Jamaica is one of my dream destinations)…let me hold onto that, dreams are valid!!






I just can’t stop playing with the braids 🙂 🙂

Thanks for reading!!!

mwaaahhh!!! ❤ ❤ thanks for reading!!



I hope you are all having an amazing week.

I am guessing that you have noticed from  my earlier posts  that I braided my hair.

It has been months since the last time I got braids. I kind of took a break from it and decided to stick with my relaxed hair for some time. I actually  forgot how much I love them!

The interesting thing about braids is that you can style them in so many ways and each gives you a totally different look.

I would love to share some of the styles that I personally love with you.


The classic pony tail. This is the most comfortable as you get rid of all the hair from your face and shoulders. It is perfect on a hot day.

DSCN5285The ponytail can be transformed into a faux bun. If you want a neat office-look, this would do.




For a more casual look, I would recommend this one.

It is easy to do and perfect on a free day, especially Sundays for me.

I always get a liberating feeling when I let my hair down..,do you?

Anyways, thanks for reading and much love ❤ ❤



Hello guys,

I hope you are all doing great, as for me I’m ok. School is busy but I am fine with it. I expected all of this when I was selecting my course.

My posting recently has not been regular, I am really sorry for that 😦 . I got a few things planned finally!!  and they will be coming through weekly and on time 🙂

I am going to let the pictures do the talking for me for my Mombasa experience part two. 

The pictures are about me and my friends exploring Mombasa. I don’t know what you guys guessed would be in part two; but it’s only obvious to include my pals because without them it wouldn’t have been so much fun. 

Cheers and take care, 

Much love ❤ ❤ ❤

Thanks for reading!!











IMG_5021Someone was too damn close!!! :0



“When you are in coast, you gots to rock the bikini”….my personal quote!! :))

Hey guys :)!,

It’s been a minute since I posted anything on my blog. I hope you are all doing great, I know I am.

I have just resumed school and being in my final year stuff has been crazy-you know kicking off our final year projects. That aside, we(me and my classmates)  got a break for a trip to Mombasa.! You have no idea how exciting that was!

We travelled on Thursday and came back Sunday. I know, it is a very short time for Mombasa but boy! wasn’t it a whole lot of fun. My best part was going to the beach and partying as it has been forever since I went out. I loved going to the beach in the evenings around 4.30 to around 6.30 as the tide was quite high at that time. I just loved the way the huge waves would come and hit us and we would run and scream away from it! “forgive my inner-child” 🙂


IMG-20140930-WA0001This was on Friday, we were exploring the old town with a few friends and buying stuff on the way. In my black paper bag lies a pair of very pretty Masai sandals for just 350/=. :O . As you can see my dress is wet, when we got to Kilindini harbour I decided to get in the water just to cool off.

In case you are wondering on what to wear in coast; this kind of dress is a good idea. I love its orange colour and the lace details on the waist area.. I paired it with a pink hat, Masai  sandals, a simple chain and bangles.




IMG-20140926-WA0001For the ones who have noticed, it says 41 but it’s actually 39. My feet ain’t that big :)- considering my height.

DSCN5466If you just want to go hangout on the beach, I would recommend a romper. I think it is perfect as you can still go wade in the ocean if you want to.

DSCN5482I am loving this cheap sunglasses (200/=) that I bought off the streets of Nairobi. It is quite edgy, totally love it!




looking at fish swimming is always therapeutic . 🙂

#to my friends, thanks for taking my photos. 🙂

As always thanks for stopping by..and you should visit Mombasa once in a while…it leaves you with this great,  good-feel energy.

Much love ❤ ❤ ❤