Hello guys; I hope you all had an amazing week.

This week’s post is a little bit different from my usual – it is sort of an introduction to bits and pieces of my world.

Have you ever heard the phrase “Friends make the world go round”?; well if you haven’t take a look into your life and you will know where I am coming from with this.

Introducing #the crew.

bellz 2From left we have Mike, Dennis, Daisy and me.

I guess you all probably want to know how we all became friends; to be honest I can’t pin it down. All I know is I met them on different days on my first week of campus and had random introductions. It was more of “getting to know your classmates” introduction.
We are now in 5th year in engineering school and I am glad I met them; because I got myself a number of BFFs 🙂 . Best Friends Forever! Yea, I just said that.

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Dear Daisy,
You may not have an idea of your significance in my life. I could give a million reasons why we are friends and even pump it up with adorable quotes on why we are best friends- but I can’t do that because I am not much of a writer. I am entirely grateful and thankful to you for always taking care of me in every way possible; and this includes situations that you didn’t have to. Campus life is sort of a roller coaster, and I am glad you were there to talk to amidst the drama. You helped me through one of the lowest points in my life and I don’t know how I would have gotten through that without your shoulder to lean on. Let me not forget your fun side; partying, shopping, birthdays and also that one time we got selected for a trip to a far away land- oh my goodness-such fun!! The list is endless. Thanks for always letting me have the truth and letting me know when I am being stupid – as with time it has made me a better person.


Dear Dennis,
Am I not glad I have a friend like you! You are rarely stressed out and I find this to be super awesome. If you were an actor, and auditioned for “The Hulk” character, you will not get the job 🙂 . You have no energy to waste unless it is a dire situation that requires it. You have this chilled attitude-sort of a #meeh situation going on. It is amazing how you stay calm in situations where I would freak out or get pissed off. Thank you for always taking care of me in situations where I would see myself crumbling. Your sense of humour is beyond funny, it’s always a bad idea sitting next to you in class, as my laughter can be really loud.

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Dear Mike,
Carpe diem is your motto!! I am saying this because I know so. All thanks to you, we had a random Naivasha experience back in second year. You are always full of positive energy and it is always fun/amazing being around you. It might be the hippie situation going on 🙂 . You always say what’s on your mind and you don’t mince your words. This might rub off the wrong way on some people but trust me – It is a good thing about you. You always listen to my troubles and letting me know that in time all will be well. If hypothetically the world is in black and white; you see it as a set of different colours. We can have endless conversations talking about nothing and have lots of laughter in-between.


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To my golden hearts, my BFFs, my drinking buddies, my personal shrinks 🙂 , my study group pals, my crazies; I am thankful that you are in my life. If I take you out of the equation; I don’t what I will be expecting. You inspire me in so many ways as you are ambitious, self driven and more so considerate. You make me a better person with each new day.

From my heart to yours ❤



Hey guys, hope you are all having an amazing week.

I just want to let you know how much I am loving this dress. I am practically obsessed with it. The print is amazing – I had no idea that animal print would look this good. I have to thank Daisy-my best friend for letting me have this dress!! She was clearing out her closet two weeks ago and this didn’t fit her any more – silver lining;).

This dress can be styled in so many ways.On a more chilled out day I would rock it with maasai sandals and I will be good to go. For you guys, I decided to go with pearls on my neck and the peep toe heels on my feet 🙂 




The cream bag complimented the pearls that I had on. Perfect match!




IMG_5376As always thanks for reading.

Much love ❤ ❤ ❤





I am going to start by blowing you guys a kiss for being patient with me as it has been a while since I did an outfit post! I got time to shoot this weekend and it was quite a lot of fun. I have just realized when it comes to colour blocking; I love pairing red and blue. I have actually never tried any other colours but I am cooking something up, it will be quite interesting- I tend to think so.

I got this blouse last Friday and the frills on it made me grab it 🙂 . The beauty of frills is that they have this feminine aura and that they transform a piece of clothing completely. I decided to pair it with this pair of red jeans so that it would match my red lips and the red belt- #red obsession continues.



If you have been to Safari Walk, then you probably recognize this place. It is quite an amazing place to take pictures. I am surprised of how bold I have become as I was posing for the pictures and not minding all the guys that were staring. To disclose a secret to you- I am very shy!




For my accessories I went with the silver necklace my small sister- Rose got me for my birthday and I added the brooch to the blouse. The brooch is not just an accessory here as it also closes up the plunged neckline of the blouse.


Sparkly nails – that’s my thing now.Totally in love! ❤ ❤


My black peep-toe heels! One word- #comfort.


Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely week! 

Much love ❤ ❤